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Earn Rewards for Healthy Living with the Evidation App

These days, everyone’s all about staying healthy, and it seems like apps that help you do just that are popping up everywhere! They’re not just about tracking your steps; they actually reward you for making those healthy choices. How cool is that? One such app that has gained significant attention is Evidation. Formerly known as Achievement, Evidation is a free fitness app that allows users to earn rewards for exercising and sharing their health data. Let's explore the ins and outs of Evidation, including its features, pros and cons, and whether it's worth your time. What is Evidation? Evidation  ( referral link ) is a health tracking app that monitors your activity levels and healthy habits. In exchange for sharing your data, you can earn small amounts of passive income every month. The app is designed to motivate users with points that can be redeemed for rewards, making it an attractive option for those looking to earn passive income while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Detox and Boost Your Health With Maxx Herb Pau D' Arco Plus

Note: This was resurrected from Tumblr thanks to Google cache and was originally posted on September 10, 2019.

Maxx Herb Pau D’Arco Extract with Dandelion Root & Red Clover Therapeutic Blend
The older I get, the more concerned I am about my health. Sadly, I have a hard time swallowing pills, so I’m always on the lookout for alternative supplement types like gummies, powders, and liquids. I also prefer the “all-in-one” types that can help with multiple health issues and concerns. Maxx Herb’s Pau D’ Arco Plus Liquid Extract is one of those supplements. Not only is this therapeutic blend conveniently in liquid form but it tastes great too!

This supplement has a slightly sweet fruitiness to it that enhances whatever you add it to. So, I tend to use it as a sweetener and add it to my tea – meaning, I’ll use a little less sweetener than usual and add the daily dosage of this in place for the rest of the sweetener. Along with the ingredient Pau D’ Arco Inner Bark, this supplement also contains Dandelion Root and Red Clover (two great cleansing herbs).

My duty to you: I received this product to try out and evaluate for free. I don’t sugar-coat and always give my 100% honest opinion - good AND bad! There are also affiliate links in this post; I will receive a very small percentage if you make a purchase.
This supplement helps to support the immune system and normal lymphatic system functions, promote detoxification, and fight free radicals. It also has powerful antioxidant benefits.

A Little About Each Herb

Pau D’ Arco: Shown to help increase the production of red blood cells which carry the body’s oxygen supply and remove carbon dioxide from the bloodstream.

Dandelion: Many herbal doctors use dandelion to help purify the liver and gallbladder of toxins. It supports the normal function of the entire digestive system, including the normal function of the kidneys, spleen, stomach, gallbladder, and other organs. It can aid in helping reduce constipation and water retention.

Red Clover: It has been traditionally used to encourage the production of bile and helps to cleanse the liver, thus purifying toxins from the bloodstream. The increased bile also stimulates the production of digestive fluids that speed up digestion and the elimination of morbid matter from the stomach and small intestines.

My Experience With This Supplement

It’s recommended that you take 2mL (two droppers) twice a day. However, I only take it once a day and have still seen positive results. One thing I’ve noticed is that I have been breaking out (whiteheads) much more than usual. Now, this may seem like a negative result but it actually proves that my body is being cleaned out; it’s a common detox symptom.

Another thing I noticed is that I’ve had more energy. I’m usually lethargic and feeling fatigued just a few hours after getting up (sad, but true) and especially after a meal. However, about a week after I started this supplement, I’ve found that I have more energy throughout my day and a meal doesn’t make me want to pass out! Plus, for the first time in a long time, I’ve actually felt motivated to get a lot done around the house. It has been great!

Maxx Herb Pau D’Arco Extract with Dandelion Root & Red Clover Therapeutic Blend

Final Thoughts

What’s special about this brand is that it’s not watered down like many others. According to the product page, 
“At Maxx Herb, our process takes 2 weeks to properly extract key components (volatile oils and esters) to ensure maximum effectiveness. [These are] benefits that you won’t get from Pau D’arco teas, dandelion pills, or red clover capsules.”
If you want to try it out for yourself, there’s currently a 10% off coupon code on the Amazon page (link below). Just click on the green button before adding the supplement to your cart.

I definitely will continue to take this until the bottle is empty! As long as I continue to see positive results, it will be worth purchasing another bottle once I run out. There aren’t many things that help me focus like this has. I’ve been extremely lazy and unmotivated lately, so I don’t want to lose that momentum.

What do you think of this supplement? Is it something that can help you as it has helped me? I sure hope so!


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