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The Firing Squad: A Cinematic Revelation of Grace and Redemption

Recently, I enjoyed seeing an early screening of the upcoming movie, "The Firing Squad." It's a total game-changer. It's a raw and real drama, inspired by insane true events from 2015, that'll hit you right in the feels. The film kicks off with a bang, throwing you into a world of desperation where three people are about to face the firing squad. It's a heavy trip, but it dives deep into themes of faith, bravery, and the unbreakable human spirit—even when things seem hopeless. This movie will stick with you, that's for sure.  Incredible Acting Brings a True Story to Life The cast in this movie is incredible, bringing so much depth to their characters. James Barrington, as the doomed Peter Lowe, is devastatingly good. The legendary Kevin Sorbo and the always-amazing Cuba Gooding, Jr. completely own the screen.

How to Overcome Meeting Anxiety [Tips For Success]

Meetings. For some of us, just hearing that word is enough to trigger waves of dread and anxiety. Our palms get sweaty, our hearts race, our stomachs bubble, and our minds go blank at the thought of having to speak up in a meeting.

Laptop stressed image by HtcHnm
Source: Pixabay

I get it. I've been there (still there, depending on who the meeting is with). I even take a stress-relief supplement (affiliate link) around 30 minutes before a minute to help calm my nerves!

As someone who has dealt with meeting anxiety for years, both in-person and on Google Meet, I know how hard it can be. But with some preparation and self-care, it is possible to get through meetings with less stress. Here are some handy tips for success.

Prepare and Practice

Half the battle is just being prepared. If you know what the meeting is about and have done some thinking about what you want to contribute, it will go much smoother. Jot down an agenda, main talking points, and any questions beforehand. I always take 10-15 minutes before meetings to do this.

Practice saying your part out loud, even if just to yourself in the mirror or to your furry friend (my poor cat has heard more than her fair share of spiels). The more prepared you are, the less anxious you'll feel.

My tabby cat Adah
© A Little Bit Of Me

Remember: You Have Value to Add

With meeting anxiety, it's easy to minimize our own worth and contribution. But chances are, you were invited for a reason—whether it's your expertise, perspective, or to represent a particular group. You deserve to take up space and be heard.

If it helps, write down beforehand why your voice matters or speaks affirmations. Luckily, there are plenty of apps out there that can help!

Focus on Your Breathing

I know I'm not alone in feeling like I forget to breathe properly when anxious! So before and during the meeting, intentionally take some deep belly breaths. During virtual meetings, be sure to mute your microphone to avoid disturbing others.

Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping calm your fight-or-flight response.

Ask Questions and Take Notes

Taking notes and asking clarifying questions are great ways to participate without making bold declarations. For in-person meetings, jotting down key points shows you are engaged. Asking thoughtful questions during any type of meeting demonstrates you're listening and interested in the topic.

Limit Video If Possible

For some of us, being on video heightens anxiety exponentially (raising hand frantically). If possible, based on the culture of your workplace, ask if you can keep the video off. Eliminating that self-view box alone can make a huge difference in comfort level.

Luckily, my virtual meetings are 95% offline these days, so it's not something I have to worry about too much. It also means that I can lounge on the couch or in bed during a meeting, which helps to relax me.

Woman Lying on Bed with Laptop and Candle image by Aljona Ovtšinnikova
Source: Pexels

Be Kind to Yourself

At the end of the day, know that some level of nervousness is normal and you're not alone! Give yourself credit for showing up even when it's hard. And try not to fixate on small "mistakes" (I promise most others don't even notice). 

It helps to spend time after doing something enjoyable to reset your mind. I like to take 5-10 minutes to play with my cat, step outside for fresh air, or watch a YouTube video from one of my favorite creators. 

Meetings invoke dread in so many of us. But with time and practice, that nervousness can lessen. Always remember you add value to any meeting by simply being your authentic self. The rest will fall into place. You've got this!


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